start feeling like yourself again, without the overwhelm!

get your free checklist now.

Free Burnout Prevention Checklist


start feeling like yourself again, without the overwhelm!

get your free checklist now.

Free Burnout Prevention Checklist

I know. You’re feeling like you’re constantly juggling a million things at once. And frankly, it’s gotten old.

Your job, home, relationships, and, let’s not forget, trying to find a moment for yourself. It’s like being in a never-ending marathon, but without the fancy medal at the end, right? Well, guess what? It’s time to put down those running shoes, sis, because I’ve got just the thing for you.

Ready to stop trying to figure out this stress management stuff you keep hearing about?

Simply enter your email below to unlock instant access to your Burnout Prevention Checklist and get your energy back today!

Meet your coach

Monique Addison-Stinson

Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Certified in Stress Management

I finally realized that while working full-time in corporate America and being a full-time Ministry Leader. Sis, I was so stressed out! Then I began blacking out. I finally went to the doctor after one fall was close to being fatal. That doctor visit ended up being 26 doctor visits because all of the test were normal and I was determined to find out why I was blacking out. 

I was finally sent to have a tilt table test and was then diagnosed with POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Doctors had no way to help me post diagnosis, so I decided to figure it out on my own.  That led to multiple certifications, including becoming an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and being certified in Stress Management. 

After learning how to manage stress and other lifestyle changes, I felt soooo much better. I now teach other women of color over 40 how to manage stress, set boundaries and finally enjoy this life they’ve been working so hard to create.

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The content on this site is for educational and informational purposes only, and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, therapy, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your medical doctor before changing your diet or lifestyle, or before taking any new supplements. Stress management health coaching is not a substitute for mental health therapy. All e-newsletter subscribers have joined by requesting free information, but you can opt-out at any time. Client testimonials shown on this website are real examples of our clients and their results.

© Business Church Life 2023