Ladies, are you ready to feel good, get fit, and reclaim your health and body?

without being overwhelmed by the latest fad diet or needing a gym membership!

Does this sound like you?

Here's a simple 30-day plan that teaches Christians how to eat clean and workout!

Introducing the my healthy temple 30-day Transformation!

Well imagine doing workouts with your own bodyweight–that means no gym is needed! All these workouts can be done in the comfort of your home and are completed in a total of 20 minutes!

Did you say: YES?! WHERE DO I SIGN UP!?

My name is Monique Addison-Stinson (AKA Burnout Coach Mo) and I’m a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach who helps overwhelmed and exhausted Ministry Leaders become calm and equipped Leaders who actually love being in ministry.

Listen, I’ve been exactly where you are.

I’ve struggled with weight loss. To be honest with you, even after obtaining my Fitness Trainer certification, the gym made me frustrated and the fact that every month there seems to be a whole new amazing machine that I have to spend time trying to figure out.

Maybe you feel like you’ll never lose weight, get fit, or feel good again. Maybe you think it’s not possible to get your energy back, be motivated, or just feel like yourself again. Maybe you’re feeling convicted because you’re a Ministry Leader and you haven’t taken care of your temple like you should.

But guess what? The key to a healthy and energetic life is RIGHT HERE.

I’ve created a no non-sense approach to losing weight, getting toned, without the complicated exercises and machines!

What if…

This is the way!

Get Ready to Reclaim your health with the...

my healthy temple 30-day Transformation!

Sign up now and get a program jam packed with so much valuable and life changing content. These are the lessons learned and applied throughout my career for both my own body and my clients!

What my clients say...

I got in the best shape of my life!

I used your plan for the last month and have seen a drastic change.

You have equipped me with tools that will last a lifetime!

So, what do you get?

  • Bodyweight Workout Plan: To help you build muscle, increase your endurance and burn fat in a very efficient way. NO EQUIPMENT NEEDED!
  • 4 Weeks of Guides: Weekly guides that break down clean eating, the importance of hydration, portion sizes, cravings and how to read nutrition labels.
  • 4 Weeks of Suggested Meals & Delicious, Healthy Recipes eBooks: Weekly meal suggestions, and snack ideas so you feel nourished and satiated no matter how hard you are working!
  • Weekly Support: To hold you accountable and provide you lots of love and encouragement when you need it! << BONUSES

This program is specially designed for you to take back control of your health!

No more excuses. No more diets. No more rules.

MY HEALTHY TEMPLE 30-DAY TRANSFORMATION will have you living a restored, happy life in no time!

Grab my healthy temple 30-day Transformation for only $97 today!


Achieving optimal health and fitness is not an exact science and the combination of exercise and input to achieve desired results may vary from individual to individual. Following lifestyle, fitness, nutrition and general health tips or programs contained on this website/blog does not guarantee that you will achieve the desired results or that you will look like images that might be posted on this website/blog.

Please consult your doctor before beginning any exercise or diet program.

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