Ladies, are you ready to stop feeling exhausted and drop the weight once and for all?

without wasting time and money on another quick fix diet that’s not sustainable!

Does this sound like you?


Introducing Wait to Lose!

Intermittent Fasting Coaching

What if I told you there’s a way to feel more energetic, control blood sugars, increase your cognitive function, and lose weight without counting calories that’s easy, simple AND IT’S BEEN AROUND SINCE THE BEGINNING OF TIME!

Sis, you’re tired of fad diets and spending money on “quick fixes” & drinking juices that throw your blood sugar out of control. This ain’t that, sis. I’m talking about Intermittent fasting the safe and proper way (not the way you’ve been hearing…or doing it). Your body’s been waiting for it.

You are probably saying, “Girl, I like to eat too much!” Or thinking, what benefits does fasting bring to the table? How can I do it safely or how can I get started?

Well, sis...those are a few things we'll cover in Wait to Lose.

Did you know there are several types of Intermittent Fasting? Picking the correct type will help you be more successful when it comes to this super effective way to increase your energy and burning fat.

Get Ready to Look & Feel Amazing

You’ll learn…

Are you ready to:

Having a Coach helps you practice intermittent fasting THE RIGHT WAY!

Wouldn’t that be amazing!?

If you’re thinking “Heck, yeah!” then Wait to Lose is the answer to your prayers!

About your Coach...

Hi, I’m Monique Addison-Stinson, also known as Burnout Coach Mo. I am a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and I’ve been IF’ing for over 5 years.

I’ve been where you are, sis! I heard about intermittent fasting and wanted to try it but I kept hearing all of these conflicting “ways” to do it (have 50 calories during your fast, drink coffee with MCT oil & butter, sugar-free drinks are ok). 🤦

I almost gave up until I actually read studies. Once I learned the science, it was on! I realized how easy it is and all of those “ways” I read online were making it more complicated. 

After working with me 1:1 or in my Wait to Lose groups, you’ll learn how to make intermittent fasting your lifestyle, reclaim your energy, and just live your healthiest life!

You choose...

Wait to Lose Group Coaching

  • 6 1-hour PRIVATE Coaching Classes: sessions on Zoom & private Facebook community

  • Our next session begins March 13, 2023
  • Recorded: Replays are available to you in case you miss the live class

  • Daily Support: In the our Facebook community, Monique will answer your questions during your 6 weeks and after!

  • SO MUCH MORE!!!!!

Wait to Lose 1:1 Coaching

  • 1-hour 1:1 PRIVATE Coaching sessions on Zoom (Different packages available)

  • Recorded: Our sessions will be available for you to reference later.

  • Daily Support: You can text me in between sessions if you have any questions or need additional support.



Most frequent questions and answers

Intermittent fasting is also known as time restricted eating (TRE). It’s choosing a block of time for eating, and another block of time for allowing your body to rest from digesting. There are many benefits to allowing your body this time, including reduced inflammation, reduced insulin resistance, enhanced thinking clarity or lifting of brain fog, protective against Alzheimer’s Disease, and weight loss.

Great question! Fasting is free. There are no special foods, pills, or powders to buy. You don’t need any equipment, other than a watch or clock. Some folks find they are more successful with additional support. A coach can help guide you, offer suggestions for tweaking your fasting practice, and help point out pitfalls you may not realize are in your way. You might benefit from a coach if:

  • You have read or heard about Intermittent Fasting, but are unsure how to get started.
  • You have made a few attempts on your own, but have yet to find your fasting groove or sweet spot.
  • You have been fasting, but aren’t seeing any benefits.
  • You have been fasting for awhile, have hit a long plateau, and want some help adjusting your fasting practice.

Well, intermittent fasting IS NOT A DIET. You may find that you can eat what you’re currently eating in your new eating window and still improve your health and lose weight. I do advocate for eating more whole foods during your eating window, but it’s not required.

You should always talk to your doctor/pharmacists before changing your lifestyle. There are ways make fasting work for your lifestyle, so please let your Coach know about any medical issues before starting.

Ok, sis!!! Are you ready?


Achieving optimal health and fitness is not an exact science and the combination of exercise and input to achieve desired results may vary from individual to individual. Following lifestyle, fitness, nutrition and general health tips or programs contained on this website/blog does not guarantee that you will achieve the desired results or that you will look like images that might be posted on this website/blog.

Please consult your doctor before beginning any exercise or diet program.

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