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Hey, sis!

I'm Monique Addison-Stinson, a Burnout Prevention Coach for overwhelmed women over 40 and Ministry Leaders

Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Certified in Stress Management

I was where you are…overwhelmed, constantly exhausted and eventually burned out. I left my HR career to help other women over 40 overcome burnout, just like I did. 

After blacking out, I realized I was burned out...

My journey into health coaching and stress management happened when I found myself buried under the weight of corporate life as a Human Resources pro and a Ministry Leader juggling more roles than humanly possible. In my HR role I aligned organizational strategies, advised leaders, and as a Ministry Leader – I literally did everything, from leading the music ministry, teaching Church School, being a Steward, and then becoming a Licentiate in the AME Church (which added more responsibility and duties). – you name it! But let’s be real, it was a recipe for burnout.

I was constantly exhausted. I would wake up tired. No amount of sleep would help. Then I began blacking out. I didn’t go to the doctor until after one fall was close to being fatal. That doctor visit ended up being 26 doctor visits because all of the test were normal and I was determined to find out why I was blacking out. 

I was finally sent to have a tilt table test and was then diagnosed with POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Doctors had no way to help me post diagnosis, so I decided to figure it out on my own.

I took my health back by force and vowed I would help other women like me.

Since the doctors only wanted to prescribe medication for a few of the symptoms, I decided to take my health back! That led to multiple certifications (ISSA-International Sports Science Association, AFPA-American Fitness Professionals and Associates) and rounding out my certs is becoming an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach (IIN) and being certified in Stress Management. 

After several lifestyle changes, I felt soooo much better. I can’t wait to join you on your journey!

In health,


More about me…

I love the Hallmark Channel, watching the Golden Girls, Living Single, Girlfriends and Catfish (I’m hooked LOL)

I also love listening to podcasts, listening to books and watching movies with my mommy on Sunday afternoons.

Me…after getting my ish together

My mommy & me…

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