The Blog

Overwhelm, Burnout, and Why Saying 'No' is Your Superpower


Hey, sis! Let’s have a heart-to-heart about something. Let’s chat about overwhelm. You know, it’s when your to-do list turns into a novel and your brain into a jumble mess. With me? Let’s get into it.

Sneaky Signs

Ever stroll into a room and suddenly forget why you’re there. Or, the infamous 3 PM slump hits and your keyboard starts looking cozier than your bed. Just me? Oh, ok… Trust me, if you can relate, you’re not alone. Those seemingly innocent moments are actually clues that you may be dealing with overwhlem. Sneaky, right?

But here’s the twist – instead of listening to our bodies giving us the “time-out” signal, we try to be superheroes. We power through, ignoring the little voice that’s shouting, “Hey, take a breather, sis!”


That whole “powering through” approach? Spoiler alert – it blows up in our faces, leaving us drained, stressed out, and ready to throw in the towel. Let’s call a thing a thing (in my Iyanla voice): overwhelm isn’t a badge of honor, sis. It’s more like a flashing neon sign that we need to take a break, like, yesterday.

But it goes even deeper. Overwhelm isn’t satisfied with just messing up our plans. It’s like an uninvited guest who has the audacity to rearrange your furniture and leave a mess. It disrupts your focus, quiets your creativity, and leaves you feeling like you’re running on fumes. It’s time to take that cape off, right?

Your Practical Battle Plan

Now that you know what overwhelm looks like, you need a plan to beat it. Here ya go…

Step 1: Prioritization with Purpose

Channel your inner CEO. Look at your to-do list and separate the must-dos from the nice-to-dos. It’s like decluttering your mental space – focus only on tasks that align with your dreams and goals. The goal is drop your list of 40 tasks down to 3-5!

Step 2: Delegate Like a Boss

Listen closely, sis: you don’t need a cape to shine, so delegate tasks that others can do, whether it’s at work or home. Lighten your load while letting others shine – win-win!

Step 3: Embrace the Power of ‘No’

The star of this blog!! Repeat after me: “No.” It’s not a dirty word – it’s your burnout prevention superpower. Set boundaries and only say yes to what aligns with your mission. Your future self will thank you!

Step 4: Micro-Breaks

Micro-what? Micro-breaks! Picture this: short moments of pausing, deep breathing, and recharging throughout your day. It’s the secret that chill, successful folks do. Whether it’s a walk, dance break, or a few mindful breaths, these mini-pauses are your secret weapons.

Step 5: Encourage yourself, sis!

***cue the song I Look Good

On My Momma

On My Hood

I Look Fly

I Look Good

Touch My Swag

Wish You Could (credit: Chalie Boy)

Ok, ok, let me stop dancing…Listen up, you’ve got to encourage yourself: every win counts, no matter how small. Celebrate all of your achievements, even if they feel like baby steps. You have to be your own MVP on this journey to a life free from overwhelm.

Real Talk…It’s a Daily Battle

Ready to overcome overwhelm like a boss every single day? I have the game-changing blueprint. It’s all about embracing gratitude, stepping into the great outdoors, catching those rejuvenating Zzz’s, and welcoming doable habits that come together to shape a rock-solid fortress of resilience. It’s the 7-Day Resilience Checklist – your not-so-secret weapon in staying steps ahead of overwhelm. Grab yours HERE so you can improve your bouncebackability.

I’m rooting for you.


Monique (Burnout Coach Mo)

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Monique Addison-Stinson

Burnout Prevention Coach

I empower exhausted, corporate women over 40 (& Ministry Leaders) feel less stressed so they can navigate this phase of life more smoothly.

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